Sunday, July 17, 2022

PostgreSQL 15 new feature: pg_walinspect to inspect the contents of write-ahead log (WAL) using SQL


Create Extension

create extension pg_walinspect;
test=# create extension pg_walinspect;

Capture Log Sequence Number (lsn) before workload

select now(),pg_current_wal_lsn();
test=# select now(),pg_current_wal_lsn();
              now              | pg_current_wal_lsn
 2022-07-17 10:54:20.764449+00 | 0/1A3E258
(1 row)

Execute some demo workload

drop table if exists account;
create table account (
    id int,
    name varchar(10),
    last_updated timestamptz,
    constraint account_pk primary key (id)
insert into account values(1,'name1','2021-12-31');
insert into account values(2,'name2','2021-12-31');
insert into account values(3,'name3','2021-12-31');
insert into account values(4,'name4','2021-12-31');

Capture Log Sequence Number (lsn) after workload

test=# select now(),pg_current_wal_lsn();
              now              | pg_current_wal_lsn
 2022-07-17 10:55:08.627989+00 | 0/1A58910
(1 row)

Analyze the workload using "pg_walinspect" extension

select start_lsn, end_lsn, prev_lsn, xid, resource_manager, record_type, record_length, main_data_length, fpi_length, description from pg_get_wal_records_info('0/1A3E258', '0/1A58910');

select start_lsn, end_lsn, prev_lsn, xid, resource_manager, record_type, record_length, main_data_length, fpi_length, description from pg_get_wal_records_info_till_end_of_wal('0/1A58910');

select * from pg_get_wal_stats('0/1A3E258', '0/1A58910', true) where count > 0;
test=# select start_lsn, end_lsn, prev_lsn, xid, resource_manager, record_type, record_length, main_data_length, fpi_length, description from pg_get_wal_records_info('0/1A3E258', '0/1A58910');

 start_lsn |  end_lsn  | prev_lsn  | xid | resource_manager |  record_type  | record_length | main_data_length | fpi_length |


 0/1A3E258 | 0/1A3E290 | 0/1A3DF78 |   0 | Standby          | RUNNING_XACTS |            50 |               24 |          0 | nextXid 762 latestCompletedXid 761 oldestRunningXid 762
 0/1A3E290 | 0/1A3E2C0 | 0/1A3E258 |   0 | Storage          | CREATE        |            42 |               16 |          0 | base/16387/16422
 0/1A3E2C0 | 0/1A3E398 | 0/1A3E290 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           211 |                3 |          0 | off 22 flags 0x00
 0/1A3E398 | 0/1A3F820 | 0/1A3E2C0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          5253 |                2 |       5200 | off 258
 0/1A3F820 | 0/1A41488 | 0/1A3E398 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          7245 |                2 |       7192 | off 79
 0/1A41488 | 0/1A414E0 | 0/1A3F820 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |            85 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A414E0 | 0/1A43410 | 0/1A41488 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          7957 |                2 |       7904 | off 167
 0/1A43410 | 0/1A44EA8 | 0/1A414E0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          6781 |                2 |       6728 | off 148
 0/1A44EA8 | 0/1A44F80 | 0/1A43410 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           211 |                3 |          0 | off 23 flags 0x00
 0/1A44F80 | 0/1A44FC0 | 0/1A44EA8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 258
 0/1A44FC0 | 0/1A47010 | 0/1A44F80 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          8245 |                2 |       8192 | off 8
 0/1A47010 | 0/1A47068 | 0/1A44FC0 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |            85 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A47068 | 0/1A470B0 | 0/1A47010 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 167
 0/1A470B0 | 0/1A48730 | 0/1A47068 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          5733 |                2 |       5680 | off 112
 0/1A48730 | 0/1A48800 | 0/1A470B0 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           203 |                3 |          0 | off 37 flags 0x00
 0/1A48800 | 0/1A49238 | 0/1A48730 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          2613 |                2 |       2560 | off 126
 0/1A49238 | 0/1A4AA00 | 0/1A48800 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          6057 |                2 |       6004 | off 10
 0/1A4AA00 | 0/1A4C420 | 0/1A49238 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          6657 |                2 |       6604 | off 286
 0/1A4C420 | 0/1A4C5D8 | 0/1A4AA00 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |           440 |               10 |          0 | 3 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A4C5D8 | 0/1A4E400 | 0/1A4C420 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          7693 |                2 |       7640 | off 222
 0/1A4E400 | 0/1A4F248 | 0/1A4C5D8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          3653 |                2 |       3600 | off 178
 0/1A4F248 | 0/1A4F290 | 0/1A4E400 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 223
 0/1A4F290 | 0/1A4F2D0 | 0/1A4F248 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 179
 0/1A4F2D0 | 0/1A4F320 | 0/1A4F290 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            80 |                2 |          0 | off 223
 0/1A4F320 | 0/1A4F360 | 0/1A4F2D0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 180
 0/1A4F360 | 0/1A4F6A0 | 0/1A4F320 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |           830 |               16 |          0 | 6 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A4F6A0 | 0/1A4F6E8 | 0/1A4F360 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 222
 0/1A4F6E8 | 0/1A4F728 | 0/1A4F6A0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F728 | 0/1A4F770 | 0/1A4F6E8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 226
 0/1A4F770 | 0/1A4F7B0 | 0/1A4F728 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F7B0 | 0/1A4F7F8 | 0/1A4F770 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 222
 0/1A4F7F8 | 0/1A4F838 | 0/1A4F7B0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F838 | 0/1A4F880 | 0/1A4F7F8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 227
 0/1A4F880 | 0/1A4F8C0 | 0/1A4F838 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F8C0 | 0/1A4F908 | 0/1A4F880 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 222
 0/1A4F908 | 0/1A4F948 | 0/1A4F8C0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F948 | 0/1A4F990 | 0/1A4F908 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 228
 0/1A4F990 | 0/1A4F9D0 | 0/1A4F948 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 178
 0/1A4F9D0 | 0/1A4FA28 | 0/1A4F990 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |            85 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A4FA28 | 0/1A515F8 | 0/1A4F9D0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          7093 |                2 |       7040 | off 122
 0/1A515F8 | 0/1A51640 | 0/1A4FA28 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 166
 0/1A51640 | 0/1A51670 | 0/1A515F8 | 762 | Standby          | LOCK          |            42 |               16 |          0 | xid 762 db 16387 rel 16422
 0/1A51670 | 0/1A516A0 | 0/1A51640 | 762 | Storage          | CREATE        |            42 |               16 |          0 | base/16387/16425
 0/1A516A0 | 0/1A516D0 | 0/1A51670 | 762 | Standby          | LOCK          |            42 |               16 |          0 | xid 762 db 16387 rel 16425
 0/1A516D0 | 0/1A517A0 | 0/1A516A0 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           203 |                3 |          0 | off 38 flags 0x00
 0/1A517A0 | 0/1A517E0 | 0/1A516D0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 127
 0/1A517E0 | 0/1A51828 | 0/1A517A0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 13
 0/1A51828 | 0/1A51868 | 0/1A517E0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 287
 0/1A51868 | 0/1A51920 | 0/1A51828 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |           180 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A51920 | 0/1A51960 | 0/1A51868 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 231
 0/1A51960 | 0/1A519A0 | 0/1A51920 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 187
 0/1A519A0 | 0/1A51A68 | 0/1A51960 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           197 |                3 |          0 | off 52 flags 0x00
 0/1A51A68 | 0/1A526E8 | 0/1A519A0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          3169 |                2 |       3116 | off 115
 0/1A526E8 | 0/1A53468 | 0/1A51A68 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          3453 |                2 |       3400 | off 168
 0/1A53468 | 0/1A53528 | 0/1A526E8 | 762 | Heap             | INSERT        |           191 |                3 |          0 | off 21 flags 0x00
 0/1A53528 | 0/1A53EB0 | 0/1A53468 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          2433 |                2 |       2380 | off 117
 0/1A53EB0 | 0/1A55450 | 0/1A53528 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          5505 |                2 |       5452 | off 3
 0/1A55450 | 0/1A56BC8 | 0/1A53EB0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          5977 |                2 |       5924 | off 117
 0/1A56BC8 | 0/1A57550 | 0/1A55450 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          2433 |                2 |       2380 | off 115
 0/1A57550 | 0/1A57ED8 | 0/1A56BC8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |          2433 |                2 |       2380 | off 117
 0/1A57ED8 | 0/1A57F30 | 0/1A57550 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |            85 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A57F30 | 0/1A57F78 | 0/1A57ED8 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 133
 0/1A57F78 | 0/1A57FC0 | 0/1A57F30 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 149
 0/1A57FC0 | 0/1A58030 | 0/1A57F78 | 762 | Heap2            | MULTI_INSERT  |            85 |                6 |          0 | 1 tuples flags 0x02
 0/1A58030 | 0/1A58078 | 0/1A57FC0 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 123
 0/1A58078 | 0/1A580C0 | 0/1A58030 | 762 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            72 |                2 |          0 | off 155
 0/1A580C0 | 0/1A58150 | 0/1A58078 | 762 | XLOG             | FPI           |           137 |                0 |         88 |
 0/1A58150 | 0/1A58210 | 0/1A580C0 | 762 | Heap             | INPLACE       |           188 |                2 |          0 | off 37
 0/1A58210 | 0/1A582D0 | 0/1A58150 | 762 | Heap             | INPLACE       |           188 |                2 |          0 | off 38
 0/1A582D0 | 0/1A58598 | 0/1A58210 | 762 | Transaction      | COMMIT        |           709 |              680 |          0 | 2022-07-17 10:54:59.125946+00; inval msgs: catcache 80 catcache 7
9 catcache 80 catcache 79 catcache 55 catcache 54 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache
7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 55 catcache 54 catcache 7 catcache 6 catcache 32 catcache 19 catcache 55 catcache 54 catcache 55 catcache 54 snapshot 2608 re
lcache 16422 relcache 16425 relcache 16422 snapshot 2608 relcache 16422 relcache 16425
 0/1A58598 | 0/1A585E8 | 0/1A582D0 | 763 | Heap             | INSERT+INIT   |            79 |                3 |          0 | off 1 flags 0x00
 0/1A585E8 | 0/1A58648 | 0/1A58598 | 763 | Btree            | NEWROOT       |            90 |                8 |          0 | lev 0
 0/1A58648 | 0/1A58688 | 0/1A585E8 | 763 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 1
 0/1A58688 | 0/1A586B0 | 0/1A58648 | 763 | Transaction      | COMMIT        |            34 |                8 |          0 | 2022-07-17 10:54:59.129086+00
 0/1A586B0 | 0/1A586E8 | 0/1A58688 |   0 | Standby          | RUNNING_XACTS |            54 |               28 |          0 | nextXid 764 latestCompletedXid 762 oldestRunningXid 763; 1 xacts:
 0/1A586E8 | 0/1A58738 | 0/1A586B0 | 764 | Heap             | INSERT        |            79 |                3 |          0 | off 2 flags 0x00
 0/1A58738 | 0/1A58778 | 0/1A586E8 | 764 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 2
 0/1A58778 | 0/1A587A0 | 0/1A58738 | 764 | Transaction      | COMMIT        |            34 |                8 |          0 | 2022-07-17 10:54:59.131251+00
 0/1A587A0 | 0/1A587F0 | 0/1A58778 | 765 | Heap             | INSERT        |            79 |                3 |          0 | off 3 flags 0x00
 0/1A587F0 | 0/1A58830 | 0/1A587A0 | 765 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 3
 0/1A58830 | 0/1A58858 | 0/1A587F0 | 765 | Transaction      | COMMIT        |            34 |                8 |          0 | 2022-07-17 10:54:59.133896+00
 0/1A58858 | 0/1A588A8 | 0/1A58830 | 766 | Heap             | INSERT        |            79 |                3 |          0 | off 4 flags 0x00
 0/1A588A8 | 0/1A588E8 | 0/1A58858 | 766 | Btree            | INSERT_LEAF   |            64 |                2 |          0 | off 4
 0/1A588E8 | 0/1A58910 | 0/1A588A8 | 766 | Transaction      | COMMIT        |            34 |                8 |          0 | 2022-07-17 10:54:59.544526+00
(84 rows)
test=# select start_lsn, end_lsn, prev_lsn, xid, resource_manager, record_type, record_length, main_data_length, fpi_length, description from pg_get_wal_records_info_till_end_of_wal('0/1A58910');

 start_lsn |  end_lsn  | prev_lsn  | xid | resource_manager |  record_type  | record_length | main_data_length | fpi_length |                       description
 0/1A58910 | 0/1A58948 | 0/1A588E8 |   0 | Standby          | RUNNING_XACTS |            50 |               24 |          0 | nextXid 767 latestCompletedXid 766 oldestRunningXid 767
(1 row)
test=# select * from pg_get_wal_stats('0/1A3E258', '0/1A58910', true) where count > 0;

 resource_manager/record_type | count | count_percentage | record_size | record_size_percentage | fpi_size | fpi_size_percentage | combined_size | combined_size_percentage
 XLOG/FPI                     |     1 |        1.1904762 |          49 |             0.59596205 |       88 |          0.08847422 |           137 |               0.12722173
 Transaction/COMMIT           |     5 |         5.952381 |         845 |              10.277305 |        0 |                   0 |           845 |               0.78468883
 Storage/CREATE               |     2 |        2.3809524 |          84 |              1.0216492 |        0 |                   0 |            84 |               0.07800457
 Standby/LOCK                 |     2 |        2.3809524 |          84 |              1.0216492 |        0 |                   0 |            84 |               0.07800457
 Standby/RUNNING_XACTS        |     2 |        2.3809524 |         104 |               1.264899 |        0 |                   0 |           104 |              0.096577086
 Heap2/MULTI_INSERT           |     8 |         9.523809 |        1875 |               22.80467 |        0 |                   0 |          1875 |                1.7411734
 Heap/INSERT                  |     9 |        10.714286 |        1453 |                17.6721 |        0 |                   0 |          1453 |                1.3492934
 Heap/INPLACE                 |     2 |        2.3809524 |         376 |              4.5730968 |        0 |                   0 |           376 |                0.3491633
 Heap/INSERT+INIT             |     1 |        1.1904762 |          79 |             0.96083677 |        0 |                   0 |            79 |               0.07336144
 Btree/INSERT_LEAF            |    51 |        60.714287 |        3183 |              38.713207 |    99376 |            99.91153 |        102559 |                 95.23894
 Btree/NEWROOT                |     1 |        1.1904762 |          90 |              1.0946242 |        0 |                   0 |            90 |               0.08357632
(11 rows)


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