Thursday, October 29, 2015

AutoStart/Shutdown Oracle and Listener on RHEL7/OL7 using systemd

1. Create unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory and make sure it has correct file permissions. Execute as root:
[root@em12c ~]#  touch /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service 
[root@em12c ~]#  chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service
2. Add the following content to the file: /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service
Description=Oracle Listener (LISTENER)

ExecStart=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ LISTENER"
ExecReload=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ LISTENER;/home/oracle/scripts/ LISTENER"
ExecStop=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ LISTENER"


3. Execute the following commands to reload the configuration and start the custom service:

[root@em12c ~]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@em12c ~]# systemctl start Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service [root@em12c ~]# systemctl enable Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service

4. Create unit file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory and make sure it has correct file permissions. Execute as root:
[root@em12c ~]#  touch /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Instance_orcl.service [root@em12c ~]#  chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Instance_orcl.service
5. Add the following content to the file: /etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Instance_orcl.service
Description=Oracle Instance (orcl)

ExecStart=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ orcl"
ExecReload=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ orcl;/home/oracle/scripts/ orcl"
ExecStop=/bin/su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/scripts/ orcl"


6. Execute the following commands to reload the configuration and start the custom service:

[root@em12c ~]# systemctl daemon-reload 
[root@em12c ~]# systemctl start Oracle_Instance_orcl.service
[root@em12c ~]# systemctl enable Oracle_Instance_orcl.service

7. Check the service status:
[root@em12c ~]# systemctl |grep -e Oracle -e DESCRIPTION
UNIT                               LOAD   ACTIVE SUB       DESCRIPTION
Oracle_Instance_orcl.service       loaded active running   Oracle Instance (orcl)
Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service   loaded active running   Oracle Listener (LISTENER)

[root@em12c ~]# systemctl list-unit-files|grep -e Oracle -e STATE
UNIT FILE                                   STATE
Oracle_Instance_orcl.service                enabled
Oracle_Listener_LISTENER.service            enabled

[root@em12c ~]# systemctl status Oracle_Instance_orcl.service
Oracle_Instance_orcl.service - Oracle Instance (orcl)
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/Oracle_Instance_orcl.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-10-29 00:15:20 SGT; 14s ago
  Process: 15214 ExecStart=/bin/su - oracle -c /home/oracle/scripts/ orcl (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 15295 (ora_smon_orcl)
   CGroup: /system.slice/Oracle_Instance_orcl.service
           ‣ 15295 ora_smon_orcl

Oct 29 00:15:13 systemd[1]: Starting Oracle Instance (orcl)...
Oct 29 00:15:13 su[15214]: (to oracle) root on none
Oct 29 00:15:20 systemd[1]: Started Oracle Instance (orcl).

Saturday, October 24, 2015

How to Configure hostname in Oracle Linux 7

Set the hostname:

[root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname
[root@localhost ~]#

Re-login terminal session:

login as: oracle
oracle@'s password:
Last login: Sat Oct 24 17:44:29 2015 from
[oracle@em12c ~]$ hostnamectl status
   Static hostname:
         Icon name: computer
           Chassis: n/a
        Machine ID: 15d9d5269a7143d5b035b02bf229b005
           Boot ID: 5253a1c387ef488aa662eec3b7d52f39
  Operating System: Oracle Linux Server 7.1
       CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:oracle:linux:7:1
            Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64
      Architecture: x86_64

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fix 3 installation issues on OEM12c Cloud Control on OL7 (RHEL7)

Issue 1:  cannot find crt1.o

INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: m12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/bin/sqlplus32 -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib32/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/stubs/  /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib32/s0afimai.o -lsqlplus -lclntsh  `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lztkg11 -lztkg11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lm
INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: m -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11   -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lcli
INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: ent11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11   `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/sysliblist` -Wl,-rpath,/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32 -lm -lpthread   `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/sysliblist` -ldl -lm -lpthread  -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32

INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/ when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crtn.o: No such file or directory

INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: make[1]: Leaving directory `/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib'

INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/bin/sqlplus32] Error 1
make: *** [newsqlplus32] Error 2

INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: End output from spawned process.
INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: ----------------------------------
INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target 'install' of makefile '/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib/'. See '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2015-10-23_09-52-50-PM.log' for details.
Exception Severity: 1
INFO: 10/23/15 9:55:05 PM SGT: POPUP WARNING:Error in invoking target 'install' of makefile '/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib/'. See '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions2015-10-23_09-52-50-PM.log' for details.

Click "Retry" to try again.
Click "Ignore" to ignore this error and go on.
Click "Cancel" to stop this installation.

How to fix:

[root@localhost /]#  rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} (%{ARCH})\n" | grep glibc-devel
glibc-devel-2.17-78.0.1.el7 (x86_64)
[root@localhost /]# yum search glibc-devel
Loaded plugins: langpacks
================================================================= N/S matched: glibc-devel ==================================================================
glibc-devel.i686 : Object files for development using standard C libraries.
glibc-devel.x86_64 : Object files for development using standard C libraries.
[root@localhost /]# yum install glibc-devel.i686

Issue 2:  cannot find -lclntsh

gcc -m32 -o /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/bin/sqlplus32 -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib32/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/stubs/  /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib32/s0afimai.o -lsqlplus -lclntsh  `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lnc
INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT: rypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lztkg11 -lztkg11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lmm -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/ldflags`    -lncry
INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT: pt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11   -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11   `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/sysliblist` -Wl,-rpath,/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32 -lm -lpthread
INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT:   `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32/sysliblist` -ldl -lm -lpthread  -L/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32

INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT: make[1]: Leaving directory `/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/lib'

INFO: 10/23/15 10:06:26 PM SGT: make[1]: *** [/u01/em12c/middleware/oms/sqlplus/bin/sqlplus32] Error 1
make: *** [newsqlplus32] Error 2

How to fix:

[oracle@em12c bin]$ pwd
[oracle@em12c bin]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/em12c/middleware/oms
[oracle@em12c bin]$ ./genclntsh

[oracle@em12c bin]$ ls -l /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32//
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 oracle oinstall 17 Oct 23 22:16 /u01/em12c/middleware/oms/lib32// ->

Issue 3:  libwebcache.a(wxsmdms.o): undefined reference to symbol 'yodSensorInvalidate'

gcc -o webcached -L/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/webcache/lib/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/ -L/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/stubs/  main.o libwebcache.a -Wl,-rpath,/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib -liau -lnnz11 -lxml11 -lclntsh  -lcore11 -lunls11 -lnls11  /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/liboraz.a -ldmsapp -lons    `cat /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist` -lrt -Wl,-rpath,/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib -lm    `cat /u01/em12c/middle
INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: ware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist` -lrt -ldl -lm   -L/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib

INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: /usr/bin/ld: libwebcache.a(wxsmdms.o): undefined reference to symbol 'yodSensorInvalidate'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'yodSensorInvalidate' is defined in DSO /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: make: *** [webcached] Error 1

INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: End output from spawned process.
INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: ----------------------------------
INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: Exception thrown from action: make
Exception Name: MakefileException
Exception String: Error in invoking target 'install' of makefile '/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/webcache/lib/'. See '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/cloneActions2015-10-23_10-23-38-PM.log' for details.
Exception Severity: 1
INFO: 10/23/15 10:23:56 PM SGT: POPUP WARNING:Error in invoking target 'install' of makefile '/u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/webcache/lib/'. See '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/cloneActions2015-10-23_10-23-38-PM.log' for details.

Click "Retry" to try again.
Click "Ignore" to ignore this error and go on.
Click "Cancel" to stop this installation.

How to fix: (add -ldms2 to sysliblist)

[root@localhost trace]# cp -p /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist.orig
[root@localhost trace]# vi /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist
[root@localhost trace]# diff /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist /u01/em12c/middleware/Oracle_WT/lib/sysliblist.orig
< -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc -lipgo -ldms2
> -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc -lipgo

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Linux kernel parameters set by “oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall”

[oracle@localhost /]$ rpm -qa|grep preinstall
[oracle@localhost /]$
[oracle@localhost /]$ cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# System default settings live in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/00-system.conf.
# To override those settings, enter new settings here, or in an /etc/sysctl.d/<name>.conf file
# For more information, see sysctl.conf(5) and sysctl.d(5).

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for fs.file-max is 6815744
fs.file-max = 6815744

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for kernel.sem is '250 32000 100 128'
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for kernel.shmmni is 4096
kernel.shmmni = 4096

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for kernel.shmall is 1073741824 on x86_64
kernel.shmall = 1073741824

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for kernel.shmmax is 4,398,046,511,104 on x86_64
kernel.shmmax = 4398046511104

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for kernel.panic_on_oops is 1 per Orabug 19212317
kernel.panic_on_oops = 1

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.core.rmem_default is 262144
net.core.rmem_default = 262144

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.core.rmem_max is 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.core.wmem_default is 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.core.wmem_max is 1048576
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter is 2
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter is 2
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for fs.aio-max-nr is 1048576
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576

# oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall setting for net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range is 9000 65500
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Adding SSRS instances without configuring scale-out (in Standard Edition Scenario)


Below are steps to manually configure SSRS failover to alternative instances based on Standard Edition, lab experimental only, use in production at your own risk.

1. Below Key operations added to Keys table during the Report Server DB configuration

declare @p5 int
set @p5=NULL
exec AnnounceOrGetKey @MachineName=N'VMMSQL02',@InstanceName=N'SE',@InstallationID='74706FB6-0740-4F57-931E-54702B387643',@PublicKey=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umAnnouncedServices=@p5 output
select @p5


2. On VMMSQL01 (original), the “Test Report” runs without problem, but failed on VMMSQL02.



library!ReportServer_0-1!9f0!10/21/2015-23:06:31:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerNotActivatedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerNotActivatedException: The report server installation is not initialized.;
crypto!ReportServer_0-1!f9c!10/21/2015-23:07:29:: i INFO: Initializing crypto as user: DBAGLOBE\sqlsvcs
crypto!ReportServer_0-1!f9c!10/21/2015-23:07:29:: i INFO: Exporting public key
crypto!ReportServer_0-1!f9c!10/21/2015-23:07:29:: i INFO: NT Service not activated
library!ReportServer_0-1!f9c!10/21/2015-23:07:29:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerNotActivatedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerNotActivatedException: The report server installation is not initialized.;
library!ReportServer_0-1!f9c!10/21/2015-23:07:29:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerDatabaseUnavailableException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerDatabaseUnavailableException: The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportServerNotActivatedException: The report server installation is not initialized.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---;

3. Manually Restore the encryption key to VMMSQL02




4. VMMSQL02 still failed to render report due to feature limitation of Standard Edition


5. Manually removed the SSRS instance (VMMSQL01) from KEY table, Reports worked on VMMSQL02

select *
into [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys_BAK]
from  [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys]

delete from [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys] where MachineName='VMMSQL01'



6. In the event of failback required, manually insert the KEY for VMMSQL01 SSRS instance again

insert into [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys]
select * from [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys_BAK] where MachineName='VMMSQL01'
delete from [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys] where MachineName='VMMSQL02'


Machine related configuration during SSRS DB creation

declare @p5 int
set @p5=NULL
exec AnnounceOrGetKey @MachineName=N'VMMSQL01',@InstanceName=N'SE',@InstallationID='1E40A75C-0BE4-4D7C-A0AC-F0746AC8BC9B',@PublicKey=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umAnnouncedServices=@p5 output
select @p5
exec SetKeysForInstallation @InstallationID='1E40A75C-0BE4-4D7C-A0AC-F0746AC8BC9B',@SymmetricKey=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ublicKey=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

exec GetMyRunningJobs @ComputerName=N'VMMSQL01',@JobType=1



“The feature using other editions of sql server for report data sources and/or the report server database”is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.


The feature: "The feature using other editions of sql server for report data sources and/or the report server database”is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.


Step to fix:

Upgrade SQL Server to standard edition or enterprise edition

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Expand OCRVOTE diskgroup size before upgrading to 12c

[root@rac01 ~]# oracleasm createdisk VOTE2 /dev/sdd1
Writing disk header: done
Instantiating disk: done

SQL> select path, name, header_status from v$asm_disk;

PATH                 NAME                           HEADER_STATU
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------
ORCL:VOTE2                                          PROVISIONED
ORCL:DATA1           DATA1                          MEMBER
ORCL:FRA1            FRA1                           MEMBER
ORCL:VOTE1           VOTE1                          MEMBER

SQL> alter diskgroup OCRVOTE add disk 'ORCL:VOTE2' drop disk VOTE1;

Diskgroup altered.

SQL> select path, name, header_status from v$asm_disk;

PATH                 NAME                           HEADER_STATU
-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------
ORCL:VOTE1                                          FORMER
ORCL:DATA1           DATA1                          MEMBER
ORCL:FRA1            FRA1                           MEMBER
ORCL:VOTE2           VOTE2                          MEMBER

Prepare virtualbox shareable disk for RAC installation

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" createhd --filename D:\VMs\RAC01\Data1.vdi --size 10240 --variant Fixed
Medium created. UUID: 9f3cd90c-99ec-4520-b6d9-0217912ae92a

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" createhd --filename D:\VMs\RAC01\Data2.vdi --size 10240 --variant Fixed
Medium created. UUID: 3de86535-4736-424c-97b1-e102c1474007

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" createhd --filename D:\VMs\RAC01\Quorum.vdi --size 1024 --variant Fixed
Medium created. UUID: 1ce7ab6b-2c88-441b-985e-0c21226160d7

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storagectl "RAC01" --name "SAS" --add sas --controller LSILogicSAS
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storagectl "RAC02" --name "SAS" --add sas --controller LSILogicSAS
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storagectl "RAC01" --name "SAS" --portcount=8
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storagectl "RAC02" --name "SAS" --portcount=8

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC01" --storagectl "SAS" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Data1.vdi --mtype shareable
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC01" --storagectl "SAS" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Data2.vdi --mtype shareable
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC01" --storagectl "SAS" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Quorum.vdi --mtype shareable

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC02" --storagectl "SAS" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Data1.vdi --mtype shareable
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC02" --storagectl "SAS" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Data2.vdi --mtype shareable
C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" storageattach "RAC02" --storagectl "SAS" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd --medium D:\VMs\RAC01\Quorum.vdi --mtype shareable

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" showhdinfo D:\VMs\RAC01\Quorum.vdi
UUID:           1ce7ab6b-2c88-441b-985e-0c21226160d7
Parent UUID:    base
State:          created
Type:           shareable
Location:       D:\VMs\RAC01\Quorum.vdi
Storage format: VDI
Format variant: fixed default
Capacity:       1024 MBytes
Size on disk:   1026 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled
In use by VMs:  RAC01 (UUID: bf507dfc-853c-489c-a9d4-7411139e0635)
                RAC02 (UUID: eec5df93-a181-4531-a5c2-e824a77a554a)

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" showhdinfo D:\VMs\RAC01\Data1.vdi
UUID:           9f3cd90c-99ec-4520-b6d9-0217912ae92a
Parent UUID:    base
State:          created
Type:           shareable
Location:       D:\VMs\RAC01\Data1.vdi
Storage format: VDI
Format variant: fixed default
Capacity:       10240 MBytes
Size on disk:   10242 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled
In use by VMs:  RAC01 (UUID: bf507dfc-853c-489c-a9d4-7411139e0635)
                RAC02 (UUID: eec5df93-a181-4531-a5c2-e824a77a554a)

C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" showhdinfo D:\VMs\RAC01\Data2.vdi
UUID:           3de86535-4736-424c-97b1-e102c1474007
Parent UUID:    base
State:          created
Type:           shareable
Location:       D:\VMs\RAC01\Data2.vdi
Storage format: VDI
Format variant: fixed default
Capacity:       10240 MBytes
Size on disk:   10242 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled
In use by VMs:  RAC01 (UUID: bf507dfc-853c-489c-a9d4-7411139e0635)
                RAC02 (UUID: eec5df93-a181-4531-a5c2-e824a77a554a)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

[oracle@rac01 trace]$ tail -f orcl1_vktm_5046.trc
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28483)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28477)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28471)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28465)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28459)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28453)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28447)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28441)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28435)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28429)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28423)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28417)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28411)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28405)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28399)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28393)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28387)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28381)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28375)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28369)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28363)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28357)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28351)microsecs at 1445066092
kstmchkdrift (kstmhighrestimecntkeeper:lowres): Time moved backward by (28345)microsecs at 1445066092


The issue has been investigated by development in the following bug:




1 For version, Apply patch for Bug 9843304.  This Bug is already fixed in

For and, apply patch for Bug 11837095, This Bug is already fixed in

If the patch is not available for your platform, please log a Service Request with Oracle Support and request one.

2-The patch adds the ability to disable this debugging information. 
To actually disable the debugging information after applying the patch, add the following event in the init.ora/pfile for the instance:
event="10795 trace name context forever, level 2"

Sunday, October 11, 2015

cluster.exe is missing from Windows 2012

Cluster.exe is deprecated by PowerShell Module “FailoverClusters”, thus it does not exist in c:\windows\system32\ by default any more.

To manually enable it:


SQL Server Failover Cluster Resource Properties & Using PowerShell “FailOverClusters” module














PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Import-Module FailOverClusters

PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Get-Module

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Manifest    failoverclusters                    {Add-ClusterCheckpoint, Add-ClusterDisk, Add-ClusterFileSe...
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Computer, Add-Content, Checkpoint-Computer, Clear-Con...
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object...}

PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Get-Command -Module FailOverClusters

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Alias           Add-VMToCluster                                    failoverclusters
Alias           Remove-VMFromCluster                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterCheckpoint                              failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterDisk                                    failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterFileServerRole                          failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterGenericApplicationRole                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterGenericScriptRole                       failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterGenericServiceRole                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterGroup                                   failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusteriSCSITargetServerRole                   failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterNode                                    failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterPrintServerRole                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterResource                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterResourceDependency                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterResourceType                            failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterScaleOutFileServerRole                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterServerRole                              failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterSharedVolume                            failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Add-ClusterVMMonitoredItem                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Block-ClusterAccess                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Clear-ClusterDiskReservation                       failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Clear-ClusterNode                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-Cluster                                        failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterAccess                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterAvailableDisk                           failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterCheckpoint                              failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterGroup                                   failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterLog                                     failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterNetwork                                 failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterNetworkInterface                        failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterNode                                    failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterOwnerNode                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterParameter                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterQuorum                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterResource                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterResourceDependency                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterResourceDependencyReport                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterResourceType                            failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterSharedVolume                            failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState                       failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Get-ClusterVMMonitoredItem                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Grant-ClusterAccess                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Move-ClusterGroup                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Move-ClusterResource                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Move-ClusterSharedVolume                           failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole                     failoverclusters
Cmdlet          New-Cluster                                        failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-Cluster                                     failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterAccess                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterCheckpoint                           failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterGroup                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterNode                                 failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterResource                             failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterResourceDependency                   failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterResourceType                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterSharedVolume                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Remove-ClusterVMMonitoredItem                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Repair-ClusterSharedVolume                         failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Reset-ClusterVMMonitoredState                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Resume-ClusterNode                                 failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Resume-ClusterResource                             failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Set-ClusterLog                                     failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Set-ClusterOwnerNode                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Set-ClusterParameter                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Set-ClusterQuorum                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Set-ClusterResourceDependency                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Start-Cluster                                      failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Start-ClusterGroup                                 failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Start-ClusterNode                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Start-ClusterResource                              failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Stop-Cluster                                       failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Stop-ClusterGroup                                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Stop-ClusterNode                                   failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Stop-ClusterResource                               failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Suspend-ClusterNode                                failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Suspend-ClusterResource                            failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Test-Cluster                                       failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Test-ClusterResourceFailure                        failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Update-ClusterIPResource                           failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Update-ClusterNetworkNameResource                  failoverclusters
Cmdlet          Update-ClusterVirtualMachineConfiguration          failoverclusters

PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Get-ClusterResourceType

Name                                                        DisplayName
----                                                        -----------
DFS Replicated Folder                                       DFS Replicated Folder
DHCP Service                                                DHCP Service
Disjoint IPv4 Address                                       Disjoint IPv4 Address
Disjoint IPv6 Address                                       Disjoint IPv6 Address
Distributed File System                                     Distributed File System
Distributed Network Name                                    Distributed Network Name
Distributed Transaction Coordinator                         Distributed Transaction Coordinator
File Server                                                 File Server
File Share Witness                                          File Share Quorum Witness
Generic Application                                         Generic Application
Generic Script                                              Generic Script
Generic Service                                             Generic Service
IP Address                                                  IP Address
IPv6 Address                                                IPv6 Address
IPv6 Tunnel Address                                         IPv6 Tunnel Address
iSCSI Target Server                                         iSCSI Target Server
Microsoft iSNS                                              iSNS Cluster Resource
MSMQ                                                        (Resource Type Unavailable)
MSMQTriggers                                                (Resource Type Unavailable)
Nat                                                         Network Address Translator
Network File System                                         Network File System
Network Name                                                Network Name
Physical Disk                                               Physical Disk
Provider Address                                            Hyper-V Network Virtualization Provider Address
Scale Out File Server                                       Scale Out File Server
SQL Server                                                  SQL Server
SQL Server Agent                                            SQL Server Agent
SQL Server Availability Group                               SQL Server Availability Group
SQL Server FILESTREAM Share                                 SQL Server FILESTREAM Share
Storage Pool                                                Storage Pool
Task Scheduler                                              Task Scheduler
Virtual Machine                                             Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Configuration                               Virtual Machine Configuration
Virtual Machine Replication Broker                          Virtual Machine Replication Broker
WINS Service                                                WINS Service

PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Get-ClusterResourceType | Format-List –Property *

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : DFS Replicated Folder
Name                   : DFS Replicated Folder
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : dfsrclus.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 180000
PendingTimeout         : 300000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 525ede72-0064-0066-7320-7265706c6963

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : DHCP Service
Name                   : DHCP Service
Characteristics        : SingleClusterInstance
DllName                : clnetres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 3e771522-0064-0068-6370-207365727669

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Disjoint IPv4 Address
Name                   : Disjoint IPv4 Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 58e2f869-0064-0069-736a-6f696e742069

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Disjoint IPv6 Address
Name                   : Disjoint IPv6 Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 5905086b-0064-0069-736a-6f696e742069

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Distributed File System
Name                   : Distributed File System
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : e9317b20-0064-0069-7374-726962757465

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Distributed Network Name
Name                   : Distributed Network Name
Characteristics        : Clones
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : d9304048-0064-0069-7374-726962757465

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Name                   : Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Characteristics        : SingleGroupInstance
DllName                : mtxclu.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 72f49561-0064-0069-7374-726962757465

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : File Server
Name                   : File Server
Characteristics        : Clones
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : f582c84f-0066-0069-6c65-207365727665

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : File Share Quorum Witness
Name                   : File Share Witness
Characteristics        : Quorum
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 60000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 120000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 3ca26018-0066-0069-6c65-207368617265

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Generic Application
Name                   : Generic Application
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 6e99410b-0067-0065-6e65-726963206170

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Generic Script
Name                   : Generic Script
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 6eaba686-0067-0065-6e65-726963207363

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Generic Service
Name                   : Generic Service
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : bd178b1c-0067-0065-6e65-726963207365

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : IP Address
Name                   : IP Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 032c59e7-0069-0070-2061-646472657373

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : IPv6 Address
Name                   : IPv6 Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 9c4abb4f-0069-0070-7636-206164647265

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : IPv6 Tunnel Address
Name                   : IPv6 Tunnel Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 7435499b-0069-0070-7636-2074756e6e65

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : iSCSI Target Server
Name                   : iSCSI Target Server
Characteristics        : SingleGroupInstance
DllName                : wtclusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : a513cd83-0069-0073-6373-692074617267

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : iSNS Cluster Resource
Name                   : Microsoft iSNS
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : isnsclusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 200c166f-006d-0069-6372-6f736f667420

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : (Resource Type Unavailable)
Name                   : MSMQ
Characteristics        :
DllName                :
Description            :
AdminExtensions        :
LooksAlivePollInterval :
IsAlivePollInterval    :
PendingTimeout         :
DeadlockTimeout        :
Id                     : 6e5866c8-006d-0073-6d71-000000000000

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : (Resource Type Unavailable)
Name                   : MSMQTriggers
Characteristics        :
DllName                :
Description            :
AdminExtensions        :
LooksAlivePollInterval :
IsAlivePollInterval    :
PendingTimeout         :
DeadlockTimeout        :
Id                     : f9967861-006d-0073-6d71-747269676765

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Network Address Translator
Name                   : Nat
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : natresource.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 297c91b3-006e-0061-7400-000000000000

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Network File System
Name                   : Network File System
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : nfsres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 2fb1d58d-006e-0065-7477-6f726b206669

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Network Name
Name                   : Network Name
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 13eb851d-006e-0065-7477-6f726b206e61

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Physical Disk
Name                   : Physical Disk
Characteristics        : Quorum, BroadcastDelete, MonitorReattach
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 7cacdaa4-0070-0068-7973-6963616c2064

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Hyper-V Network Virtualization Provider Address
Name                   : Provider Address
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : provideraddressresource.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 496942c7-0070-0072-6f76-696465722061

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Scale Out File Server
Name                   : Scale Out File Server
Characteristics        : Clones
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : d1138f95-0073-0063-616c-65206f757420

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : SQL Server
Name                   : SQL Server
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : sqsrvres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 2fca2427-0073-0071-6c20-736572766572

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : SQL Server Agent
Name                   : SQL Server Agent
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : sqagtres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 21e43270-0073-0071-6c20-736572766572

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : SQL Server Availability Group
Name                   : SQL Server Availability Group
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : hadrres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 1000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 6a66a1b5-0073-0071-6c20-736572766572

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : SQL Server FILESTREAM Share
Name                   : SQL Server FILESTREAM Share
Characteristics        : 0
DllName                : fssres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 1000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : c4549e12-0073-0071-6c20-736572766572

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Storage Pool
Name                   : Storage Pool
Characteristics        : BroadcastDelete, MonitorDetach, MonitorReattach
DllName                : clusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 76c76b05-0073-0074-6f72-61676520706f

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Task Scheduler
Name                   : Task Scheduler
Characteristics        : SingleClusterInstance
DllName                : clusres2.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : da9cde5a-0074-0061-736b-207363686564

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Virtual Machine
Name                   : Virtual Machine
Characteristics        : PlacementAware, MonitorDetach, MonitorReattach, OperationContext
DllName                : vmclusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {{B0CA44F2-1FFC-4BD1-8930-F4480301981B}}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : df7c6e10-0076-0069-7274-75616c206d61

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Virtual Machine Configuration
Name                   : Virtual Machine Configuration
Characteristics        : MonitorDetach, MonitorReattach, NotPreemptable
DllName                : vmclusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 24049dca-0076-0069-7274-75616c206d61

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : Virtual Machine Replication Broker
Name                   : Virtual Machine Replication Broker
Characteristics        : SingleClusterInstance
DllName                : vmclusres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 257087d3-0076-0069-7274-75616c206d61

Cluster                : VMMCLU01
DisplayName            : WINS Service
Name                   : WINS Service
Characteristics        : SingleClusterInstance
DllName                : clnetres.dll
Description            :
AdminExtensions        : {}
LooksAlivePollInterval : 5000
IsAlivePollInterval    : 60000
PendingTimeout         : 180000
DeadlockTimeout        : 300000
Id                     : 44673666-0077-0069-6e73-207365727669

PS C:\Users\administrator.DBAGLOBE> Get-ClusterResource| Format-List –Property *

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : True
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : IP Address
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : Cluster Group
Name                    : Cluster IP Address
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2564
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 146c9bef-218d-4111-86b4-520f8356c56a

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : True
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : Network Name
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : Cluster Group
Name                    : Cluster Name
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2564
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 2f08170c-2467-4349-bcf9-f98849a24cdf

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : True
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : File Share Witness
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : Cluster Group
Name                    : File Share Witness
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2564
Characteristics         : Quorum
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : f358a8fa-b3f4-41b5-abaf-a3e1971142e8

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : True
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : IP Address
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SQL Server (PROD3)
Name                    : SQL IP Address 1 (SQLCLU02)
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2564
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 7e2e5620-3c93-41fc-b887-4687d5ecdb29

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : Network Name
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SQL Server (PROD3)
Name                    : SQL Network Name (SQLCLU02)
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2564
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 54b6dc4d-0277-495b-a0b1-500916f7d30c

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : SQL Server
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SQL Server (PROD3)
Name                    : SQL Server (PROD3)
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 3260
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : True
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : b6641d74-2973-4333-a0b4-25b05e23c14a

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL01
ResourceType            : SQL Server Agent
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SQL Server (PROD3)
Name                    : SQL Server Agent (PROD3)
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 3288
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : True
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : a3115cbf-29f7-48e4-b7d3-6e0102c91e7b

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : SQL Server Availability Group
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SSRS_AG
Name                    : SSRS_AG
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2544
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 0e99016e-ef29-4710-9203-bda20ee7e64a

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : True
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : IP Address
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SSRS_AG
Name                    : SSRS_AG_10.0.2.202
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2536
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 5d26728f-583d-44c6-92cc-6f6e822057a0

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : Network Name
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : SSRS_AG
Name                    : SSRS_AG_VMMAG02
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2536
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : 694e2bcd-7b38-43a8-9b93-518730e4d403

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : SQL Server Availability Group
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : TestDB1_AG
Name                    : TestDB1_AG
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2544
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : b98b7aa8-d84d-403c-86a8-117aedf278a0

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : True
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : IP Address
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : TestDB1_AG
Name                    : TestDB1_AG_10.0.2.201
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2536
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : b9e43465-2ba9-455b-830e-9a07483db7ba

Cluster                 : VMMCLU01
IsCoreResource          : False
IsNetworkClassResource  : False
IsStorageClassResource  : False
OwnerNode               : VMMSQL02
ResourceType            : Network Name
State                   : Online
OwnerGroup              : TestDB1_AG
Name                    : TestDB1_AG_VMMAG01
MaintenanceMode         : False
MonitorProcessId        : 2536
Characteristics         : 0
Description             :
SeparateMonitor         : False
StatusInformation       : 0
PersistentState         : 1
LastOperationStatusCode : 0
LooksAlivePollInterval  : 4294967295
IsAlivePollInterval     : 4294967295
RestartAction           : 2
RestartThreshold        : 1
EmbeddedFailureAction   : 2
RestartDelay            : 500
RestartPeriod           : 900000
RetryPeriodOnFailure    : 3600000
PendingTimeout          : 180000
DeadlockTimeout         : 300000
ResourceSpecificData1   : 0
ResourceSpecificData2   : 0
ResourceSpecificStatus  :
Id                      : fc7ecd8c-f18d-4059-98e6-d8291d0e99f2