Sunday, November 30, 2014

Where file# 203 come from in the alert log

2014-11-30 16:37:56.111000 +08:00
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 20480K, new size 21504K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 21504K, new size 22528K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 22528K, new size 23552K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 23552K, new size 24576K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 24576K, new size 25600K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 25600K, new size 26624K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 26624K, new size 27648K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 27648K, new size 28672K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 28672K, new size 29696K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 29696K, new size 30720K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 30720K, new size 31744K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 31744K, new size 32768K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 32768K, new size 33792K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 33792K, new size 34816K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 34816K, new size 35840K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 35840K, new size 36864K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 36864K, new size 37888K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 37888K, new size 38912K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 38912K, new size 39936K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 39936K, new size 40960K
2014-11-30 16:37:57.111000 +08:00
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 40960K, new size 41984K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 41984K, new size 43008K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 43008K, new size 44032K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 44032K, new size 45056K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 45056K, new size 46080K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 46080K, new size 47104K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 47104K, new size 48128K
Resize operation completed for file# 203, old size 48128K, new size 49152K
2014-11-30 18:08:04.016000 +08:00
Resize operation completed for file# 3, old size 614400K, new size 624640K

SQL> select * from cdb_temp_files;

---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------
------------ --- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- -----------
         3 TEMP                             50331648       6144 ONLINE
           1 YES 3.4360E+10    4194302           80   49283072        6016

         1 TEMP                             62914560       7680 ONLINE
           1 YES 3.4360E+10    4194302           80   61865984        7552

SQL> select 50331648/1024 from dual;


Decoding P1/P2/P3 in for event 'enq: TX - row lock contention'

SQL> col wait_class for a20
SQL> col display_name for a35

SQL> select event#,wait_class,display_name
  2  from v$event_name where name='enq: TX - row lock contention';

---------- -------------------- -----------------------------------
       267 Application          enq: TX - row lock contention

SQL> select count(event#),max(event#) from v$event_name;

------------- -----------
         1650        1649

SQL> select parameter1 from v$event_name
  2  where name='enq: TX - row lock contention';


SQL> select parameter2 from v$event_name
  2  where name='enq: TX - row lock contention';

usn<<16 | slot

SQL> select parameter3 from v$event_name
  2  where name='enq: TX - row lock contention';


SQL> select userenv('sid') from dual;

SQL> create table t1 (c1 number);
Table created.

SQL> insert into t1 values(1);
1 row created.

SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

SQL> update t1 set c1=2;

1 row updated.

oracle@solaris:~$ sqlplus donghua/password@pdb1

SQL> select userenv('sid') from dual;
SQL> update t1 set c1=3;

SQL> select userenv('sid') from dual;


SQL> select seq#,event from v$session where sid=71;

      SEQ# EVENT
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
        45 enq: TX - row lock contention

SQL> col p1text for a40
SQL> col p2text for a40
SQL> col p3text for a40

SQL> select p1text,p1,p1raw from v$session where sid=71;

P1TEXT                                           P1 P1RAW
---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
name|mode                                1415053318 0000000054580006

SQL> select p2text,p2,p2raw from v$session where sid=71; <—refer to xidusn and xidslot column in v$transaction

P2TEXT                                           P2 P2RAW
---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
usn<<16 | slot                               196619 000000000003000B

SQL> select p3text,p3,p3raw from v$session where sid=71; <—Refer to xidsqn in v$transaction

P3TEXT                                           P3 P3RAW
---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
sequence                                       2018 00000000000007E2

SQL> select * from v$lock where sid=71;

ADDR             KADDR                   SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK     CON_ID
---------------- ---------------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
00000000BDE3BCA8 00000000BDE3BD20         71 AE        133          0          4          0       1339          0          3
00000000BDE3F250 00000000BDE3F2C8         71 TX     196619       2018          0          6       1270          0          0
FFFF80FFBDD386A0 FFFF80FFBDD38708         71 TM      92684          0          3          0       1270          0          3

SQL> select chr(bitand(p2, -16711680) / 16777215) || chr(bitand(p2, 16711680) / 65535) from v$session where sid=71;


SQL> select addr,xidusn,xidslot,xidsqn from v$transaction;

ADDR                 XIDUSN    XIDSLOT     XIDSQN
---------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
00000000BBB5F328          3         11       2018

SQL> col os_user for a10
SQL> col os_pid for a6
SQL> col oracle_user for a12
SQL> col lock_type for a15
SQL> col lock_held for a10
SQL> col lock_requested for a15
SQL> col status for a15
SQL> col owner for a10
SQL> col object_name for a11
SQL> set line 140
SQL> select     OS_USER_NAME os_user,
  2     PROCESS os_pid,
  3     ORACLE_USERNAME oracle_user,
  4     l.SID oracle_id,
  5     decode(TYPE,
  6             'MR', 'Media Recovery',
  7             'RT', 'Redo Thread',
  8             'UN', 'User Name',
  9             'TX', 'Transaction',
10             'TM', 'DML',
11             'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock',
12             'DX', 'Distributed Xaction',
13             'CF', 'Control File',
14             'IS', 'Instance State',
15             'FS', 'File Set',
16             'IR', 'Instance Recovery',
17             'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction',
18             'TS', 'Temp Segment',
19             'IV', 'Library Cache Invalidation',
20             'LS', 'Log Start or Switch',
21             'RW', 'Row Wait',
22             'SQ', 'Sequence Number',
23             'TE', 'Extend Table',
24             'TT', 'Temp Table', type) lock_type,
25     decode(LMODE,
26             0, 'None',
27             1, 'Null',
28             2, 'Row-S (SS)',
29             3, 'Row-X (SX)',
30             4, 'Share',
31             5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
32             6, 'Exclusive', lmode) lock_held,
33     decode(REQUEST,
34             0, 'None',
35             1, 'Null',
36             2, 'Row-S (SS)',
37             3, 'Row-X (SX)',
38             4, 'Share',
39             5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
40             6, 'Exclusive', request) lock_requested,
41     decode(BLOCK,
42             0, 'Not Blocking',
43             1, 'Blocking',
44             2, 'Global', block) status,
45     OWNER,
47  from       v$locked_object lo,
48     dba_objects do,
49     v$lock l
50  where      lo.OBJECT_ID = do.OBJECT_ID
51  AND     l.SID = lo.SESSION_ID;

---------- ------ ------------ ---------- --------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- -----------
oracle     2010   DONGHUA              71 DML             Row-X (SX) None            Not Blocking    DONGHUA    T1
oracle     2010   DONGHUA              71 Transaction     None       Exclusive       Not Blocking    DONGHUA    T1
oracle     2010   DONGHUA              71 AE              Share      None            Not Blocking    DONGHUA    T1
oracle     1959   DONGHUA              67 Transaction     Exclusive  None            Blocking        DONGHUA    T1
oracle     1959   DONGHUA              67 DML             Row-X (SX) None            Not Blocking    DONGHUA    T1
oracle     1959   DONGHUA              67 AE              Share      None            Not Blocking    DONGHUA    T1

6 rows selected.

SQL> col username for a10
SQL> col sql_text for a20

SQL> select     sn.USERNAME,
  2     m.SID,
  3     sn.SERIAL#,
  4     m.TYPE,
  5     decode(LMODE,
  6             0, 'None',
  7             1, 'Null',
  8             2, 'Row-S (SS)',
  9             3, 'Row-X (SX)',
10             4, 'Share',
11             5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
12             6, 'Exclusive') lock_type,
13     decode(REQUEST,
14             0, 'None',
15             1, 'Null',
16             2, 'Row-S (SS)',
17             3, 'Row-X (SX)',
18             4, 'Share',
19             5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
20             6, 'Exclusive') lock_requested,
21     m.ID1,
22     m.ID2,
23     t.SQL_TEXT
24  from       v$session sn,
25     v$lock m ,
26     v$sqltext t
27  where      t.ADDRESS = sn.SQL_ADDRESS
28  and        t.HASH_VALUE = sn.SQL_HASH_VALUE
29  and        ((sn.SID = m.SID and m.REQUEST != 0)
30  or         (sn.SID = m.SID and m.REQUEST = 0 and LMODE != 4 and (ID1, ID2) in
31          (select s.ID1, s.ID2
32           from      v$lock S
33           where     REQUEST != 0
34           and       s.ID1 = m.ID1
35           and       s.ID2 = m.ID2)))
36  order by sn.USERNAME, sn.SID, t.PIECE
37  /

---------- ---------- ---------- -- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- --------------------
DONGHUA            71      26079 TX None            Exclusive           196619       2018 update t1 set c1=3


select  ADDR , KADDR , SID , TYPE , ID1 , ID2 , LMODE , REQUEST , CTIME , BLOCK, CON_ID from GV$LOCK where inst_id = USERENV('Instance')


select s.inst_id,l.laddr,l.kaddr,s.ksusenum,r.ksqrsidt,r.ksqrsid1,         r.ksqrsid2,l.lmode,l.request,l.ctime,decode(l.lmode,0,0,l.block),
         r.con_id  from v$_lock l, x$ksuse s, x$ksqrs r  where l.saddr=s.addr and        concat(USERENV('Instance'),l.raddr)=concat(r.inst_i


How many different type of wait event parameters in Oracle 12c (

SQL> select parameter1,count(*) from v$event_name group by parameter1 order by 2 desc;

PARAMETER1                                                         COUNT(*)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
name|mode                                                               463
type|mode                                                               200
address                                                                  50
file#                                                                    40
sleeptime/senderid                                                       40
cellhash#                                                                22
location                                                                 19
count                                                                    18
driver id                                                                16
group                                                                    16
group#                                                                   14
Session ID                                                               13
2=>GoldenGate 1=>XStream 0=>Streams                                      12
session_id                                                                8
where                                                                     8
idn                                                                       7
sleep time                                                                7
function_id                                                               7
waittime                                                                  6
blkno                                                                     5
p1                                                                        5
filectx                                                                   5
handle address                                                            4
le                                                                        4
log#                                                                      4
file number                                                               4
block#                                                                    4
wait count                                                                4
retry count                                                               4
type                                                                      3
op                                                                        3
nalive                                                                    3
duration                                                                  3
object                                                                    3
files                                                                     3
cluinc                                                                    3
channel context                                                           3
msg ptr                                                                   3
clientid                                                                  3
requests                                                                  3
segment#                                                                  3
circuit#                                                                  2
msgop                                                                     2
buffer#                                                                   2
tsn                                                                       2
maximum attempts                                                          2
lmd/lms id                                                                2
object_id                                                                 2
Caller ID                                                                 2
dba                                                                       2
seghdr                                                                    2
waited                                                                    2
iowp id                                                                   2
pname                                                                     2
group_name1                                                               2
fileno                                                                    2
cache id                                                                  2
pid                                                                       2
wait for scn's hi 4 bytes                                                 2
channel handle                                                            2
Owner ID                                                                  2
copy latch #                                                              2
type|mode|where                                                           1
pool                                                                      1
undo seg#|slot#                                                           1
lock                                                                      1
hashid                                                                    1
action                                                                    1
File number                                                               1
Type                                                                      1
who am I                                                                  1
alive slaves                                                              1
send count                                                                1
index                                                                     1
event                                                                     1
table                                                                     1
undo segment#                                                             1
rootdba                                                                   1
end-point#                                                                1
kxfxsp debug wait: stalling for slave 0                                   1
component                                                                 1
ktelc_wait1s                                                              1
Slave ID                                                                  1
sleeptime                                                                 1
outstanding #aio                                                          1
wrap                                                                      1
blocks                                                                    1
operation count                                                           1
force SCN                                                                 1
succ                                                                      1
dismount force                                                            1
msg                                                                       1
by thread#                                                                1
dump                                                                      1
kxfxse debug wait: stalling for slave 0                                   1
delegation count                                                          1
timeout                                                                   1
FileOperation                                                             1
tape operation                                                            1
filename_hash                                                             1
object address                                                            1
netp id                                                                   1
dbwr#                                                                     1
xidusn                                                                    1
stage                                                                     1
function                                                                  1
process#                                                                  1
slave id                                                                  1
group_id                                                                  1
connection broker                                                         1
session#                                                                  1
defer segment index                                                       1
indicator                                                                 1
latch addr                                                                1
lwn_id                                                                    1
Instruction id                                                            1
branch#                                                                   1
session_num                                                               1
nservers                                                                  1
slowcellhash#                                                             1
kdcph_mai                                                                 1
from_process                                                              1
rolling mig                                                               1
domain id                                                                 1
caller instance number                                                    1
id                                                                        1
ts#                                                                       1
thread#                                                                   1
process number                                                            1
scans                                                                     1
tries                                                                     1
Broker Component                                                          1
test #                                                                    1
max operations                                                            1
component id                                                              1
retries                                                                   1
1=>MASTER 2=>SLAVE                                                        1
process_pid                                                               1
PURPOSE                                                                   1
pending_nd                                                                1
SCN                                                                       1
layer                                                                     1
clsrrestype                                                               1
serial                                                                    1
event #                                                                   1
limit                                                                     1
kdcphc_ack                                                                1
heap ds                                                                   1
wait event                                                                1
queue id                                                                  1
gopp id                                                                   1
error                                                                     1

154 rows selected.

SQL> select parameter2,count(*) from v$event_name group by parameter2 order by 2 desc;

PARAMETER2                                                         COUNT(*)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
id1                                                                     258
0                                                                        81
number                                                                   50
block#                                                                   44
passes                                                                   41
operation                                                                38
QT_OBJ#                                                                  21
object #                                                                 20
Q_OBJ#                                                                   20
obj#                                                                     19
disk group                                                               15
intr                                                                     14
#bytes                                                                   14
disk group #                                                             12
log # / thread id #                                                      12
lock operation                                                           11
service ID                                                               11
tablespace #                                                             10
serial                                                                    8
value                                                                     8
diskhash#                                                                 7
0 or file #                                                               7
record type                                                               7
Internal                                                                  7
blocks                                                                    6
logid                                                                     6
file#                                                                     6
type                                                                      6
sleeptime                                                                 5
mode                                                                      5
kdlw lobid first half                                                     5
container group                                                           5
p2                                                                        5
resource id                                                               5
2                                                                         4
group ID / file ID                                                        4
where                                                                     4
wait flags                                                                4
opcode                                                                    4
first dba                                                                 4
persistent DG number                                                      4
usn<<16 | slot                                                            4
sqlid                                                                     3
TYPE                                                                      3
group and disk number                                                     3
count                                                                     3
failed                                                                    3
dbid                                                                      3
blkno                                                                     3
process#                                                                  3
reg id                                                                    3
waited                                                                    3
1                                                                         3
channel handle                                                            2
wait for scn's lo 4 bytes                                                 2
lms id                                                                    2
redo thread                                                               2
attempt count                                                             2
poll                                                                      2
lock address                                                              2
break?                                                                    2
0-MMON, 1-MMON Slave                                                      2
table space #                                                             2
message                                                                   2
groupid                                                                   2
Log #                                                                     2
disk group #:file #                                                       2
tablespace ID                                                             2
group_name2                                                               2
node#/parallelizer#                                                       2
checkpoint ID                                                             2
lock_mode                                                                 2
master object #                                                           2
#blks                                                                     2
Thread                                                                    2
bytes                                                                     2
workspace #                                                               2
interrupt                                                                 2
wait_count                                                                2
client id/group num                                                       2
sync scn                                                                  2
class id                                                                  2
size                                                                      1
fsb                                                                       1
num procs                                                                 1
low file obj add                                                          1
current aio limit                                                         1
property name                                                             1
op|restype                                                                1
pending_insts                                                             1
class*10+mode                                                             1
session ID                                                                1
undo segment #                                                            1
serial number                                                             1
view object #                                                             1
Session-id                                                                1
lock#                                                                     1
wait time                                                                 1
loop                                                                      1
slave_id                                                                  1
wait                                                                      1
file group id                                                             1
cluster incarnation number                                                1
scnwrp                                                                    1
amrv$ key                                                                 1
xidslt                                                                    1
requests                                                                  1
KZAM Fga Partition                                                        1
transaction entry #                                                       1
Wait Argument 1                                                           1
disk group number                                                         1
buffer length                                                             1
sleep time                                                                1
File Type or File number                                                  1
plan #                                                                    1
param                                                                     1
tx flags                                                                  1
retry_count                                                               1
l1bmb                                                                     1
hash value                                                                1
status                                                                    1
margin                                                                    1
consumer group id                                                         1
connection                                                                1
record length                                                             1
id                                                                        1
is_process                                                                1
nodeid                                                                    1
LTHREAD TYPE                                                              1
location                                                                  1
thread number                                                             1
base                                                                      1
scn                                                                       1
level                                                                     1
Schedule Id                                                               1
Flags                                                                     1
operation flags                                                           1
EnqMode                                                                   1
chunkNo                                                                   1
filename                                                                  1
dest|rcvr                                                                 1
pending_nd                                                                1
file #                                                                    1
KZAM Aud Partition                                                        1
element                                                                   1
Index Id                                                                  1
locn                                                                      1
gtrid hash value                                                          1
min_size                                                                  1
allocation mode                                                           1
process_sno                                                               1
rcvinc                                                                    1
chain#                                                                    1
wrap#                                                                     1
Slave process id                                                          1
KSBXIC Action                                                             1
error                                                                     1
instance                                                                  1
Op1                                                                       1
node#+sess#,cursor#+kv#                                                   1
file                                                                      1
map id                                                                    1
dginc                                                                     1
client id                                                                 1
fileno                                                                    1
channel handle count                                                      1
current size                                                              1
iocode                                                                    1
parno                                                                     1
waits                                                                     1
request                                                                   1
our thread#                                                               1
thread id #                                                               1
phase                                                                     1
pool #                                                                    1
Instance ID                                                               1
tsn#                                                                      1
segid                                                                     1
table obj#                                                                1
handle                                                                    1
edition obj#                                                              1
dg                                                                        1
pin address                                                               1
obj                                                                       1
block number                                                              1
startscn                                                                  1
client opcode                                                             1
inst id                                                                   1
tablespace # & objd                                                       1
Spillover audit file                                                      1
kjha_action                                                               1
lms#                                                                      1
group                                                                     1
task id                                                                   1

196 rows selected.

SQL> select parameter3,count(*) from v$event_name group by parameter3 order by 2 desc;

PARAMETER3                                                         COUNT(*)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
id2                                                                     258
0                                                                       150
tries                                                                    48
type                                                                     27
timeout                                                                  25
block#                                                                   20
file #                                                                   20
shard:mode                                                               20
class#                                                                   17
sequence #                                                               13
queue type                                                               11
lock value                                                               11
operation parm                                                           10
blocks                                                                    9
dba                                                                       9
where                                                                     7
record id                                                                 7
thread                                                                    7
Internal                                                                  7
bktId<<16|instid                                                          6
p3                                                                        6
filetype                                                                  5
0/1                                                                       5
kdlw lobid sec half                                                       5
container id                                                              5
bytes                                                                     5
unused                                                                    4
block cnt                                                                 4
file ID                                                                   4
qref                                                                      4
workspace #                                                               4
non-DG number enqs                                                        4
sequence                                                                  4
disk #                                                                    4
id#                                                                       3
requests                                                                  3
wait                                                                      3
execid                                                                    3
2                                                                         3
AU number                                                                 3
notused                                                                   3
operation                                                                 3
instance                                                                  3
loop                                                                      3
size                                                                      2
block number                                                              2
slaveid                                                                   2
intr                                                                      2
100*mode+namespace                                                        2
location                                                                  2
zero                                                                      2
virtual extent number                                                     2
block                                                                     2
rdba                                                                      2
Bytes                                                                     2
file                                                                      2
event                                                                     2
bloom#                                                                    2
File number                                                               2
Sequence                                                                  2
process#                                                                  2
object #                                                                  1
set-id#                                                                   1
fail                                                                      1
ackscn                                                                    1
request identifier                                                        1
task id                                                                   1
ulevel                                                                    1
nbusy                                                                     1
Partition Id                                                              1
growth                                                                    1
target size                                                               1
100*mask+namespace                                                        1
op                                                                        1
wait time                                                                 1
allocated                                                                 1
1 or block                                                                1
count                                                                     1
objd#                                                                     1
group_name3                                                               1
1                                                                         1
not used                                                                  1
read/write                                                                1
version id                                                                1
mtype                                                                     1
log number                                                                1
childdba                                                                  1
insert/update                                                             1
Wait Argument 2                                                           1
extent                                                                    1
nothing                                                                   1
table/partition                                                           1
clatch                                                                    1
instanceid                                                                1
flag                                                                      1
only dml                                                                  1
relative file #                                                           1
hash value                                                                1
enqueue                                                                   1
serial #                                                                  1
slave ID                                                                  1
sequence # / apply #                                                      1
blockNo                                                                   1
instance|serial                                                           1
dtp                                                                       1
number of blocks                                                          1
mem_id                                                                    1
kv #                                                                      1
file number                                                               1
vol                                                                       1
wait time(millisec)                                                       1
pos                                                                       1
P3                                                                        1
id1|id2                                                                   1
startdba                                                                  1
Op2                                                                       1
Serial#                                                                   1
none                                                                      1
entry                                                                     1
bqual hash value                                                          1
diskno                                                                    1
high file obj add                                                         1
broadcast message                                                         1
scnbas                                                                    1
xidsqn                                                                    1
undo segment # / other                                                    1
waited                                                                    1
request                                                                   1
new aio limit                                                             1
key hash                                                                  1
buf_ptr                                                                   1
hash(logname)                                                             1
handle                                                                    1
generation                                                                1

136 rows selected.