SQL> @pga_parameter.sql
SQL> SELECT x.ksppinm name,
2 y.ksppstvl value,
3 x.ksppdesc description
4 FROM x$ksppi x, x$ksppcv y
5 WHERE x.inst_id = userenv('Instance')
6 AND y.inst_id = userenv('Instance')
7 AND x.indx = y.indx
8 AND (x.ksppinm like '%pga%'
9 OR x.ksppinm like '%smm%')
10 /
------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
_pga_large_extent_size 1048576 PGA large extent size
_use_ism_for_pga TRUE Use ISM for allocating large e
_ldr_pga_lim 0 pga limit, beyond which new pa
rtition loads are delayed
_kdli_sio_pga FALSE use PGA allocations for direct
_kdli_sio_pga_top FALSE PGA allocations come from topl
evel PGA heap
_pgactx_cap_stacks FALSE capture stacks for setting pga
pga_aggregate_target 0 Target size for the aggregate
PGA memory consumed by the ins
__pga_aggregate_target 188743680 Current target size for the ag
gregate PGA memory consumed
_pga_max_size 209715200 Maximum size of the PGA memory
for one process
_smm_auto_min_io_size 56 Minimum IO size (in KB) used b
y sort/hash-join in auto mode
_smm_auto_max_io_size 248 Maximum IO size (in KB) used b
y sort/hash-join in auto mode
_smm_auto_cost_enabled TRUE if TRUE, use the AUTO size pol
icy cost functions
_smm_control 0 provides controls on the memor
y manager
_smm_trace 0 Turn on/off tracing for SQL me
mory manager
_smm_min_size 184 minimum work area size in auto
_smm_max_size 36864 maximum work area size in auto
mode (serial)
_smm_px_max_size 92160 maximum work area size in auto
mode (global)
_smm_retain_size 0 work area retain size in SGA f
or shared server sessions (0 f
or AUTO)
_smm_bound 0 overwrites memory manager auto
matically computed bound
_smm_advice_log_size 0 overwrites default size of the
PGA advice workarea history l
_smm_advice_enabled TRUE if TRUE, enable v$pga_advice
_smm_freeable_retain 5120 value in KB of the instance fr
eeable PGA memory to retain
_smm_isort_cap 102400 maximum work area for insertio
n sort(v1)
23 rows selected.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
11gR2 PGA related hidden parameters
These parameter name with 'pga' are in bytes, and these parameter name with 'smm' are in kilobytes.
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